Monday, May 18, 2009

First Set

Here are the first set of pictures from the photo shoot with my friend. These are of her very photogenic daughter, and I will be posting the second set of her son in a few days. I'm trying some black and white ones as well as sepia, but for now I'll just post the colored ones. Hope you like them, Carina!


Corinne said...

These turned out gorgeous! Of course, it helped that you had an adorable subject! :0)

jamieleighcall said...

Wow! She's beautiful. You did a good job, Ash. I really like the one of her blowing the dandelion seeds, and one a couple before that with her smiling big. Cute!

Courtney B said...

so cute :)
i really like the last one the best... just a great soft look.
great job!

Ksenia said...

So cute. GREAT shots.