Friday, August 15, 2008

the ring

I've been practicing some of the shots that I want to do for this upcoming wedding. Here is an option for one of the ring shots. What do you think? Should I crop it or do something differently? I liked how the ring made the heart shadow, so that's why I did it this way. Pay no attention to the actual scripture that is in focus, or that fact hat I used a CTR ring. I randomly opened it up to this scripture, and did not purposely want it do be about murder and punishment. Probably not the best scripture for a ring shoot, eh? ;-)


Courtney B said...

i love that the shadow makes a heart. i love hearts. that is awesome. you are practicing way more than me. i am so glad you are coming!!!

and the image looks really good, very sharp.

Erin said...

I absolutely love it! You're going to do amazing! Maybe someday, when I get a nice camera, you can teach me some tricks!

Heather said...

I love the heart shadow! That is really awesome and a wonderful, unique shot.

Judy Lamont Stock said...

I love that picture but of course I couldn't resist seeing what scripture was next to it. You may want to try and read it!!! I found it quite humourous talking about punishment, adultry etc...!!! Congrats on your first wedding shoot!!!

Judy Lamont Stock said...

Ok, maybe I should've finished reading the rest of your blog before I made a comment. DUH!!!

Shelley said...

very nice.

Natalie. said...

Um, that image = cool. I bet you could sell it to moms of 8 year olds at Deseret Book. . . I'm not kidding. . .